Moving away from legacy systems can be daunting. These critical systems are embedded within the organisation, and the benefits of any digital transformation efforts may not be immediately apparent. In our article, we explore how updating your systems can save money and transform business functions.

Short on Time Summary

Maintaining old systems is expensive and risks the security of your data. It also hinders technological growth and innovation within your organisation because modern applications are not supported. A cloud-based solution like SharePoint secures your data. You can integrate existing data silos with applications like Microsoft Power Platform, allowing you to extract actionable insights from data and empower citizen developers.

How will updating your infrastructure benefit you in the long run? 

Although legacy systems remain functional, they have limited capabilities and cannot support new technologies. Taking advantage of third-party applications like Microsoft’s Power Platform will allow you to react to market changes and deliver a better experience to both your employees and clients.  

Modernising your IT systems may not seem like an urgent task. However, the cost of upgrading is often much lower than maintaining unsupported systems. Implementation costs are offset by improved performance, enhanced efficiency, and access to new digital tools. It doesn’t make sense to continue paying for infrastructure that isn’t offering anything new to drive business success. The sooner you switch, the sooner you can start seeing the benefits.

Utilising intelligent data analysis 

Workplace culture is moving away from a physical presence in a centralised office, so keeping all your data in one location is no longer efficient. Aside from the staffing and operational energy costs of legacy systems, you are also missing out on collaboration opportunities made possible with a cloud-based solution.

Modern systems can integrate with other technologies. As you transition to SharePoint, we collate all your data silos so data analytic tools can access all of your organisation’s past data to provide the most intelligent insights and recommendations. 

Microsoft’s Power BI connects your data from disparate systems and presents it in an easily digestible format. You get a cohesive visualisation of what’s working and what to improve on with little extra effort, by harnessing data you’ve already collected. Ordinary users can generate insights too, which will improve decision-making as they begin to understand their own data better.

For a more in-depth look at Power BI, read more here.

Adopting a cloud-based solution 

We recognise that fear of losing data can act as a barrier to upgrading your systems. But since many legacy systems are no longer supported, you already risk losing years of valuable data if they fail. By upgrading while everything is still functional, the transition process can be controlled to minimise disruption and reduce transition time. We can safely migrate all your essential files and data to a cloud-based solution. You can read more about cloud migration here.

SharePoint can be adopted if your system is outdated and no longer serving your business needs. Cloud storage keeps your data secure and protected, and there are extensive data recovery options if anything goes wrong. SharePoint is supported with 24/7 technical support and regular updates, so system downtime is also greatly reduced.  

You are likely relying on the expertise of your in-house IT team to maintain your legacy systems. SharePoint is an externally monitored platform, so specialist knowledge will no longer be diverted away from key projects to respond to system breakdowns and challenges. Additionally, if those key employees leave the organisation, it will be difficult to find someone with training in an obsolete system.

Insight Article - Citizen Developers and Shadow IT
Empowering citizen developers 

Forrester Economic conducted an in-depth analysis of Power Platform adoption across 7 organisations.

There was a 502% ROI with an average payback period of under one year. This was measured in improved business outcomes based on digitally transformed processes and contributions of citizen developers.

As you retire old systems, you can transform your people into citizen developers. Empower everyone to create digital solutions with the low code technology of Microsoft Power Platform. Your non-tech employees have a unique perspective on real challenges within the business that IT professionals aren’t aware of. Power Apps lets them tackle application development projects your IT team don’t have time for.

Embracing new IT systems that will integrate data sources and support new technology will allow your employees to express their creativity and trial solution development. These projects can enhance productivity and efficiency across the organisation. You also free up your data specialists’ time to work on projects more aligned with their skill set. 

We explore what Citizen Developers can contribute in more detail here.

Legacy systems require a significant time commitment from your IT professionals and are expensive to maintain for little benefit. SharePoint offers secure cloud storage that brings disparate data silos together. It can be used with third-party applications such as Microsoft Power Platform to boost data analysis. Updating your legacy systems is necessary to remain innovative and competitive in today’s fast-paced digital world.

ThinkShare is experienced in leading digital transformation. We can help you define your goals for the transformation and ensure the solution continues to align with your business. With ongoing technical support after implementation, you can grow your confidence in your new system knowing there are experts on hand to answer any questions you may have. Schedule a consultation to find out more.