The way we work has dramatically transformed these last two years. Our understanding of ‘the workplace’ being a communal office or desk is no more. Now, we have entered an agile age of work, an age in which multiple workplaces are no longer expected to be physically connected: welcome to the Digital Workspace.

However, this phenomenon is not exclusive to recent years. In fact, every business – of all sizes and across all sectors – has adapted their practices in line with technological advance to an extent for a while. The difference now being that the demand for digitalisation, while in some cases essential, is also simply popular due to its many benefits.

In this article, we reveal what the Digital Workspace is and why your business should invest in it for 2022 and beyond.

What is the Digital Workspace and why does it matter?

For simplicity, let’s break it down: a ‘workspace’ refers to any environment where people work, and ‘digital’ means involving the use of computer technology. Therefore, a Digital Workspace is simply a unified interface where all users can engage one another and exchange knowledge online, with the purpose of completing work. It is the virtual version of the physical workspace.

The Digital Workspace is a collection of evolving technologies designed to accommodate user needs. It offers the freedom and space to work securely from any device, in any location, and at any time. The most effective digital workspace solutions provide a secure and unified experience for IT and end users alike.

Why is this so important now? In 2022, the hybrid work model shifted from a novelty to normality. Workers worldwide are campaigning for the integration of this revolutionary work model and for good reason. It not only generates greater employee satisfaction but also results, boosting productivity and morale within organisations. If you want your business to keep up in this era of digital transformation, tailoring an engaging digital workspace will be critical.

What is included in a Digital Workspace?

All digital workspaces comprise a basic set of digital tools used by employees to complete work tasks. These include enterprise social media tools, virtual meeting/ instant messaging software like Microsoft Teams, or even automated workflows.

Overall, an effective digital workspace for collaboration includes:

  • File sharing and content collaboration tools: allowing teams to produce, edit, and review content regardless of device
  • Single sign-on (SSO): an authentication scheme that allows users fast and secure access to all apps with a single ID
  • App and Desktop Virtualisation: for providing employees with remote access to necessary day-to-day resources even outside the office e.g., Microsoft SharePoint
  • Unified Endpoint Management (UEM): a means of securing and controlling numerous devices in a cohesive manner from one central management console

What are the major benefits?

Today’s digital workspace is incredibly important and vital to the success of a company. In addition to expanding the digital culture and improving employee experience, it also advances productivity and business growth. We will explore both perspectives:


Firstly, digital workspaces save teams time by making training and education more efficient, this improves revenue growth as less money is spent on wages and training materials. Furthermore, by streamlining operations and removing roadblocks associated with the physical workplace, a business can operate at peak capacity. This means increased efficiency as you free up time for new, more important initiatives.

Digital workspaces also embrace essential business techniques like analytics, self-service education, and collaboration – all of which improve customer service. In fact, for companies that thrive on digital subscribes, wielding technology to their advantage increases audience interaction. This benefits customer journeys and drives sales.


One of the greatest benefits of a digital workspace is increased employee engagement. By taking advantage of self-guided education and other achievement platforms, it creates a workforce that cares about daily operations, and which strives to succeed. The digital workspace is also geared toward collaboration: in the early days of remote work, many employees voiced feelings of isolation, and managers were unsure on how to rectify this. Now, the digital workspace can seamlessly emulate the physical one – offering employees a sense of community and normality, even while working from their living room.

Lastly, and one of the biggest reasons why this work model is so fiercely advocated for, is the point of flexibility. This workspace offers employees the opportunity to manage their job in a way that suits their own schedules best, all without sacrificing their company’s goals. This is seen by many as a solution for a healthy work-life balance.

The Future is DigitalAre you ready for it?

In reality, simply owning the necessary technologies and tools for a digital workspace and leaving it at that will not suffice. A unifying, inclusive, and powerful workspace requires a holistic, strategic approach in its design to foster an effective experience.

At ThinkShare, our team of Microsoft-certified experts can guide your process in crafting a digital workspace in line with your company’s needs. Our solutions come with a full range of options to boost productivity, increase security, and modernise your digital environment. We also provide training and consultation even after deployment, ensuring that your business stays not only up-to-date but also well-equipped for future workplace evolutions.

Learn more about our digitalisation services here or book a call with one of our consultants for more information regarding digital workspaces.